Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm a horrible blogger....

it's been way too long, and I didn't even go to Vegas with the blogger army this last weekend. In my defense, I'm a pussy and was in Stateline the week before. It was fun but expect no trip report as I was in a bus with way too much booze, and not enough memory of the trip to do it justice.

Although I am not a good blogger (as you know), I actually am an extremely masterful pimp. Keeping this in mind, here's a site you should see:


Its an interesting idea for a musician to actually record his own music in it's raw form, forgoing all the bullshit recording studio attitudes, people and methods. This is how the Blues, Country, and even Rock and Roll began. No million dollar studios with 18 year old engineers that think they're smarter than you, no expensive producers who actually ARE smarter than you, or others who make you sound different on record than you do live. ANYWAY.....check out the movie on his site, he tells the story better than I could. Oh...and he's a blogger....so give him some love.

I actually WILL post here a lot sooner next time.



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