Friday, July 21, 2006

For someone other than yourself today...DO IT

Want to do Something to help someone today??
Read below and click the banner

A Web Site For Peyton

Peyton Novoa is a beautiful little girl who faces an uphill battle in life after the loss of her mother. After reading Peyton's story, we welcome you to read about the April 2006 soccer fundraiser event that paid tribute to Natasha Novoa's life and to her daughter Peyton's future.

Donation Details

All donations will be directed two ways. 70% of funds will be used to ensure Petyon is afforded a bright future The remaining 30% will go towards small cell cancer research at the National Ovarian Cancer Association. Barbara Vanderhyden is a leading ovarian cancer researcher who is willing to start a model system for small cell ovarian cancer that she can distribute to labs across Canada for comparitive studies. This means that YOUR donations will help spearhead a brand new initiative in small cell research.

*******Huge props to all the poker players and people in the poker community for doing something wonderful like this to help a little girl*******

(not so evil today) But STILL evil.....don't get any ideas.

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