Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Soccer, Lamb, and Extreme Violence....and a little poker

Memorial day started off very nicely with a 4-1 victory for us over our friendly but rival team. It was an especially nice win since I now have an old friend playing with us who is an amazing player, but the downside is that we had no substitutes....that means daddy has to run.....a lot. I am still apparently still in a scoring rut. Four shots, 3 saves, 1 bad miss. I have to get on track here as I'm taking WAY too much shite from the boys.

From the match we got to go to the team BBQ at a beautiful house here in So Cal. Think of the Playboy mansion on a smaller scale without the girls. Our host had a great spread laid out for us with libations and great food such as homemade chili and rotisserie(sp?) Lamb.

To round out the day we were invited to watch the UFC matches at my old drummers house which is also very nice. Although I lost a dollar on the fight (can't help but bet the Legend/Dog here), the 16 person poker tourney was just around the corner. Now keep in mind that it had already been a long day for the wife and 8 year old spawn, and they were sleepy before it started. Not too much to comment here except I won the first hand and none thereafter. A nice girl to my right who plainly stated that she really didn't know how to play proved it by beating me in two hands with low pair lower kicker. Now, I know what you're going to say about my play but also keep in mind I'm trying to play fast and very loose to either #1 build a big stack, or #2 bust out and get the warden and spawn home. I didn't mind either way since I was completely dehydrated (had nothing to do with the beer I'm so playing a couple hands blind seemed like a good idea. I won the blinds on the first, but since I had one of my buddies on my left I knew it wouldn't last long. On the second blind hand he had about 1/2 of my stack and pushed on the flop. Now, I know I'm beat here, but have to call for the ETV (expected tilt value) and terror it would cause the rest of the beginners at my table. Of course you know what happened, he hit trips on the flop, pushed and my K8 didn't get help.

Ok, no biggie.....still on track with the great plan....still have a decent amount of chips. Hmmm....think I'll let the spawn play this one....Come here, boy!! Well, here's where it all goes horribly wrong for the first part of my plan. If you're going to let the spawn play, then let him play....did I mention he is eight? I'm UTG+1 and see J5o. Spawn says "play one bet dad". Ok, I limp in and the retards......errrr....players smell blood and buddy bets out 5x bb. Now this can go either way, I know he has the sense to push me off any hand here, but I don't think he's got anything at all. Spawn tells me, "throw it away dad". I, of course being of higher intellect and far superior poker skill decide to show the boy something...."Call". "DAD!!" he snaps...."Quiet boy, I know what I'm doing." Flop comes down and I get low pair no straight or flush draws out there but a Q is there. I check, he bets the pot, and I come over the top all in. He thinks for literally 30 seconds, looks at spawn and calls(I have to quit playing with my buddy, he's starting to get Long story short, Spawn asks me in so many words what the Hell I was thinking? I tell him that it's more important to get Mom home since she is the most important thing to us, and the money comes and goes in poker and we'll get it back when buddy comes over to play next time. Of course, he's 8 and buys this and I'm able to get the family home without having the warden drive which is always a plus. Spawn happy, Warden happy, Me....well, I have beer at home.

Two weeks and counting until Vegas......let me know if any of you will be there. I'd love for you to buy me a beer.

El Diablo Blanco

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